
The Best Croissant I Ever Ate


No vacation in Paris is complete without indulging in a few buttery French croissants, and why not eat the best of the best while we’re here? 🙂

To find the best croissants in Paris, we looked to the annual Fete du Pain, aka the Festival of Bread – a week-long celebration of the city’s most accomplished bakers and their creations. One of the most anticipated events each year is the awards ceremony and recognition for Best Baguette and Best Butter Croissant in Paris, and last year’s croissant winner was Benjamin Turquier of the acclaimed 134 Rdt, who also happened to win second place in 2013.

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Review: Du Pain et des Idées


When it comes to pastries and all things baked in butter and sugar, no better city in the world does it better than Paris. As many soon discover when they arrive, Paris is a true carb-heaven with its hundreds of boulangeries and patisseries decorating each street corner. From croissants to macarons to baguettes, the array of baked goods is truly endless. But if there’s one bakery that’s on virtually everyone’s list, it has to be Du Pain et des Idées, an award-winning boulangerie located in the heart of Paris.

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Review: David Toutain


David Toutain was our first fine dining stop in Paris, and it also happened to be one of our favorites. When we were doing our research on where to eat in one of the best food cities in the world, we noticed that the name David Toutain kept appearing over and over again. After digging a bit deeper, we knew we just had to eat here.

With one Michelin star already, Chef Toutain is reputed for his modern French cuisine with a slight Asian twist. The restaurant offers two options nightly: a 5-course Menu Carte Blanche (“blank slate” tasting menu) for 80 euros or a longer 8-course one for 110 euros. Note that there are also many complimentary amuse bouches throughout the meal, so for the quality and quantity of food we were served, we thought it was one of the best deals in the city. 

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Review: Frenchie


While I was doing research for my Europe trip on Paris’s most-loved restaurants , I began to notice that the name “Frenchie” would come up over and over again. When I dug a little deeper, I found out that this restaurant was reputed for serving some of the best food in the city at very reasonable prices as well as being one of the most sought-after establishments in all of France. I also discovered that the reservation process was notoriously difficult: Bookings are accepted exactly 21 days before the date of the reservation (they fill up fast!), and while the restaurant does have an online LaFourchette page, your best bet is calling them directly. For me, since I was calling from outside of France, I added some money to my Google Voice account and called via Google, which I also highly recommend to those planning to call internationally. After waking up in the middle of the night and going through several failed attempts the days before, you can imagine just how ecstatic I was when I finally placed a successful reservation at Frenchie for May 31, 2016.

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